Question: What's the RN's Responsibility with BiPAP/CPAP?
Import: The emphasis of our unit brings us into frequent contact with “noninvasive positive-pressure” ventilation. Recent nights and codes remind me of this. There was an article in Nursing2006, vol. 36, #5 p. 46-7, on this topic, from which much of the rest of this post is gleaned.
Fxn: improve gas exchange w/o intubation
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure=df. 1 setting, same on insp. as on exp. (exhaling against pressure helps reexpand and stabilize the alveoli). Pt must be able to spontaneously breathe; cannot do full ventilation.
1st and always assess mentition, vitals, ABCs, skin color (aura)
Yours truly,
P.S. The following link will take you to the AHRQ National Guideline Clearing House site for CPAP and BiPAP where you will find the practice parameters for the use of these devices to treat adult patients with sleep-related breathing disorders: