The Opening Agenda
You may remember aways back I circulated a bill with much of the following information on it. Since it has been a great challenge to bring several members of the nursing staff of 4N together at one time, this blog has been created to foster discussions and research bearing on aspects of patient care here at SOCH, esp. on 4N. This is intended as a non-formal meeting place for continuing education and professional comradery. I welcome suggestions regarding the establishment of any guidelines and selection of topics for future discussion. Some topics earlier recommended for discussion were:
- Basic Cardiac Assessment Review
- Advanced and Emergent Cardiac Assessment
- Thoracic and Cardiac Auscultation
- Clinical Pathways for MI, CHF, Arrhythmias
- Current Issues in Cardiac Pharmacology
- Interpretation of Haematology, Chemistry, Labs, etc.
- Cardiological Genetics
- The Philosophical Ethics of Nursing: Care and Responsibility
- The Buisness of Nursing: Management, Staffing, and Salaries
- Beautification of our environment
- Maths and Medicine
The possibilites abound. Please leave your contact information (Name/Email) with my email address at so that I can begin to draft a members list for this forum, and so you can begin to post your own threads.